I definitely think the genius of Stranger Things is it’s combination of 80s nostalgia and more Gen Z sensibilities. It gives it more universal appeal. There have been some definite sticking points when I’ve tried to introduce my children to films I loved in my teens (The Breakfast Club immediately springs to mind) as they can’t stomach the casual sexism and, as you say, lack of empathy.

I also like the fact that you can rely on the main characters to not be nefarious and scheming in any way. It’s not a plot device I’ve ever been fond of and often feels rather contrived.

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Yes! Exactly - it definitely feels like an improvement, rather than just an homage. Also, I'm terrible viewer for anything socially uncomfortable (I keep having to go into the other room to wait out the awkward bits when Ro is watching Succession, for instance) and Stranger Things is therefore a much more enjoyable watch than a lot of twenty-first century stuff too

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