I hope you get a general election soon.

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Sadly I think there is no prospect whatsoever - the Conservative Party is consistently around 20 points behind in the polls, and there won't be an election before 2024 unless they decide they want one. We've got another two years of this... what's the Canadian visa situation like?

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Always looking for good people.

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This is the best analysis of BJ have ever read.

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Thank you Whitney - it's really striking how closely he fits all of these different patterns.

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When you drew them all together like that, and especially the analogy of John Bull, I realized how Boris was every bit the symptom and not the cause of your imploding eco-political environment, just like Trump has been symptomatic of end stage Capitalism here at home (I am based in Washington, DC).

In Trump, we have had to face our id and we seem to be doing so, even if not sure-footedly, but still, we are trending towards true democracy it would appear. I had never quite thought of John Bull as your national id before, but of course it is.

Empires are built upon bait and switch. Empires therefore, lie. And then the conquered similarly have to lie to whatever degree is necessary to accept that freedom was lost in the conquering.

Making Boris warm and fuzzy, no matter how despicable and spoiled, correlates to apathy. Calling him to account for being horribly self-serving would mean there would have to be a reckoning with how unconscious the population has become.

Boris and DJT, in their strictly transactional approach to "governance", are the face of what happens when being bought and sold is the only remaining transaction available to a society.

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