Nice piece on that short moment of musical history that still seems suspended above the rest. Funnily, with hindsight and your article, I realize that Kraftwerk was a huge influence in Britain and the US, less so in Germany. It did lead to what became hugely popular as the "Neue Deutsche Welle" with lots of "Aha", "Da" and "Luftballons". But less notable than in the anglosaxon world, at least that's what I remember. Anyway, thanks for this moment of nostalgia and wonder.

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Oh, that's really interesting, I don't think I'd quite realised that - though they were also hugely influential on the early Detroit techno scene, I believe, which is, after all, now the sound of night-time Berlin

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I knew nothing about all this history, but nobody lived her best life more than me at age 16, cruising down the highway in my Nissan Sentra, my wooden cassette crate on the passenger seat: half full of local punk and half full of new wave. ♥️ But I remember feeling a little weird about it when Gap came out with that "Just Can't Get Enough" commercial and suddenly everyone was into Depeche Mode. Is nothing sacred? 😂 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOMkkgrNyPo

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Merciful heavens - I've never actually seen that GAP ad and its VERY turn of the millennium, isn't it? I have to admit to have been really taken by surprise when I discovered how big Depeche Mode were in the US. They kind of dropped off my radar when they stopped being a pop band (I was much more aware of what Vince Clarke did next in Yazoo and Erasure) to the extent that I think I just assumed they'd split up or something.

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Great piece. Not exactly this, but certainly adjacent. I’m still loving the whole early 80s New Wave scene.

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Oh, for sure. I really have to do one of these on Talking Heads, just to start with

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